Stories: Lost and Found
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My sons had been going to scout camps all summer long. It was a no-brainer for me to let my eldest son go on another scout camp for four days -- it is called the High Adventure. It sounded like something I would have liked to have done at his age, so we let him go.
The next morning brought some wonderful unrelated news, that I had just landed a job after searching for two months. My wife and I were in a state of elation that morning.
About noon, I got a call from the first counselor in the Bishopric. He preceded his conversation with me by asking me to take what he was about to say calmly. I agreed, as I know him to be a very wise person and I trusted his wisdom. He said, "Bill, your son and another scout have been lost." I didn't take it harshly at that moment. I guess Shock had instantly set in. I said, "Please say that again." He said Jacob was lost in the woods of the high mountains of Idaho.
I kind of muttered, "Jacob is lost?" My wife was in the bedroom at the moment, as were the other kids. My wife heard me and could not withhold a shriek and burst into tears. Her tears brought tears to my eyes, but I asked for the report to go on.
They had been ahead of the other scouts and had somehow gotten off onto an intersecting trail other than the one they should of taken.
They were lost for two days. The thoughts that went through our minds were horrible. We bent our knees in prayer often during that trial. My wife couldn't resist and drove up with our youngest son to the campsite. I had two appointments that were of high importance to us, so I stayed behind. I performed my duties in a daze. I had haltering bursts of tears and emotion. I continually sought the companionship of the Holy Spirit.
A friend in the ward offered to watch my daughter for awhile and keep her busy. I was grateful, for she could see my sorrow, and I didn't think that was good at the moment. This gave me a moment of pause where I could seek my Father in silence and solitude.
I prayed that he would protect my son from what I feared most -- bears, mountain lions, and steep precipices. I had thoughts of great dispair and loss.
I continued my prayer and was suddently overcome with calm. The fear and despair was taken from me and I knew from the calm that my son would be alright. I didn't know in what way he would be alright, so sought my Father in Heaven again. I sought clarification, but did not receive an answer.
I thought about the non-response awhile. Then two thoughts entered my mind. One was, "If Jesus could help Peter up out of the ocean to safety on the water through Peter's faith, could he not reach down and save my son through my faith?"
Another thought was of Abraham and his command to sacrifice Isaac. I was struck with a choice of which the answer was instantaneous. I knelt down and told my Father in Heaven, "Thy will be done. Whether he return to me or not, he is yours to do with however you choose."
I closed my prayer, tried to get up, but was weak from emotion that had taken me over. I was in tears of gratitude for whatever my Father in Heaven had chosen to do with my son.
At 10:30 a.m. that morning, I got a call from the Sheriff's department up in the Idaho mountains. I was told Jacob had been found, and was in an outstanding condition.
My prayers had been answered. I have no doubt of the grace of God. I tear up each time I think of the great blessing he gave my family and I. My testimony is so much greater since that event, and that event has bound our family so much more closely.
I believe in miracles. |
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