Elder Mike Girardelli Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: George A. Baker, Jr. (1979 - 1982) |
Served: 1981 - 1982 |
Language(s) spoken:Mandarin |
Areas Served: Kaohsiung, Nei Wei, Tainan |
Companions: David Alan Corrigan | Wade Sheen |
Your Occupation: Research Associate |
Spouse: Dawn |
Comments: After Taiwan I and my twin brother returned to running a business we'd started in H.Sch. A few years later we started working for United Airlines as mechanics until we settled on what major to finish in college (had many credit hours - no degree). I met Dawn in the late 80's in a Y/A ward in CA. We were sealed in the Oakland temple in '91. We have three great kids - Kevin (13) and Kylie (9) and Kami (3)! I quit my job with UAL in 2005 and we moved from the SF bay area to South Jordan Utah. I decided to to finish a biology degree at the U of U. We moved back to S.F. Bay Area in 2008. Dawn works as a director Chabot College and I now work at a genetic diagnostics lab. I often reflect on the great times I had with the people I met and worked with in Taiwan, a perpetual blessing. |
Created: 17 Dec 2007 Modified: 20 Feb 2010 |
Last Login: 20 Feb 2010 09:44:55 PM |