Sister Tsai-Yen Lisa Chen Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Timothy P Stratford (1992 - 1995) |
Served: 1992 - 1994 |
Areas Served: East Tainan, Chishan, Nantze, West Kaoshung, Chia Yi |
Companions: Wen-chi Chen | D. Cassandra Hafen (Cheney) | Julie Huang (Holbrook) | Cheryl Whitmer (Myrup) |
Your Occupation: Homemaker |
Spouse: Chung-Li Joseph Chiu |
Comments: Hi, I am Sister Chen. I got married in March 2001. Now Joseph and I live in Provo while he attends school here. We also attend Provo Sharon East Stake Chinese Ward. We have lots of good ways to serve our brothers and sisters from Mainland China. At this point, we are in Beijing, China for almost two months visit. We might consider to move back to China for work. Luckly, our church has some branches in China, so it is great for us to attend meetings each week. Keep in touch. |
Created: 14 Mar 2002 Modified: 10 Aug 2004 |
Last Login: 10 Aug 2004 01:51:10 AM |