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Elder Matthew WhitneyQuarters 301 A. Merritt Street West Point, NY 10996
(801) 885-1597
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Presidents: Monte B. Carlson (1983 - 1986) | Served: 1984 - 1985 | Areas Served: ChungHsing - Brammer, Lowe & Sproul
TaiChung - Howard & Riggs (With Cannon, Finlaysen, Thurell, Hollinghaus, Grow, Skyles, Williams et al.)
Puli - Anderson, Adlard & Hatch
FengShan - Chen | Companions: Matt Anderson | Jason (Chia Jeng) Chen | Chad Lowe | Russ Riggs | Your Occupation: Lieutenant Colonel, US Army (Active Duty); Teaching Chinese at West Point (How funny is that!) | Spouse: Tricia | Comments: Kids:
Lindsay 19
Brooke 16
Brett 13
Tyler 11
Christian 7
Katherine 1.5
My love to Diane and the girls. Thanks for letting me stay in the family when I lost the right. Saddened by the loss of our President. I love and honor him more than you realize.
If any of you come to NYC, I have a cheap place for you to stay on West Point. Will probably be here until June 2010 unless someone elects a Republican and I end up going to Iraq again.
Getting kicked off your mission isn't the end of the world, but it's very close. But, as the slowest learner in the mission, I would like to to heartily advocate obedience and humility from here on out :) The Book of Mormon is true. All of it.
Created: 14 Mar 2002 Modified: 08 Jun 2007 |
Last Login: 08 Jun 2007 03:24:05 AM |
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