Taiwan Taipei Mission Alumni - 台灣台北返鄉傳教士首頁

Elder Mark Lee Teerlink

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Malan Robert Jackson 翟新倫 (1971 - 1974) | Thomas P. Nielson 倪爾遜 (1974 - 1977)
Served: 1973 - 1975
Areas Served:
Kao Hsuing, Chung Li, Ping Tung, Tai Nan
Kelly Dean Kartchner | Robert L Smith
Your Occupation: Self employed
Spouse: Ranell
My wife, Ranell and I just returned from a trip to Florida and the Bahamas for some scuba diving and relaxation. While in Florida, we visited my parents who are serving in the Florida Tallahassee Mission.

Ranell and I have 10 children (5 each from previous marriages) and four grandchildren. (all hers; my kids are way behind...) Only one of the 10 is living with us so we are well and happy!

We are currently team-teaching the 15 and 16 year old Gospel Doctrine class in our ward, and love the time we share with the kids in our class.

Ranell works for Primary Childrens Medical Center as an administrative asst. to the Director of Surgical Services, a job which can be quite stressful at times. I am self-employed (approaching four years now) and work in the printed circuit industry, which can also be quite stressful. Hence the recent vacation.

Anyway, our lives are full, and we love our life together.
Created: 29 Mar 2004  Modified: 30 Mar 2004
Last Login: 14 Jun 2004 09:10:04 AM