Taiwan Taipei Mission Alumni - 台灣台北返鄉傳教士首頁

Elder Adam Michael Tervort

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Edward James Phipps 馮德書 (2000 - 2003)
Served: 2000 - 2002
Areas Served:
Taibei 1st ward, Taidong branch, Beitou, Shulin (Tuchung ward), Mission Office, Taoyuan 3rd ward
Nicholas Hawkins | Kendal Hunsaker | Jeremy Knudsen 柯长老 | Alonzo Lazalde | shawn kee wee Soh | Joshua Keith Swift | Daniel Richard Western
Your Occupation: student
Spouse: Mei-yun Su Tervort
Mei-yun and I are living in St Joseph, Missouri now where I am completing school. (Only two semesters to go!). The Lord has truly blessed us in all that we are involved in and life is wonderful because of it.
I think of Taiwan daily and the miracles we witnessed in the mission field. I think of all of you that I knew under President Phipps also, and hope that you are all doing well. Keep the faith, and we'll see you in October at the reunion!
Adam Tervort 邰長老 (or just 阿桀)
Created: 13 Aug 2004  Modified: 13 Aug 2004
Last Login: 13 Aug 2004 10:52:56 AM