Taiwan Taipei Mission Alumni - 台灣台北返鄉傳教士首頁

Elder Allen Logue

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Paul V. Hyer 海爾保羅 (1982 - 1985) | Larry Y. C. Chen 陳勇助 (1985 - 1988)
Served: 1983 - 1985
Areas Served:
Taipei, Shilin, Peitou, YungHo
Kenneth A Bradley
Your Occupation: President, Wintech Inc.
Spouse: Andrea Logue
Upon returning from my mission in 1985, I enrolled at BYU and took some excellent Chinese classes. A few of my friends from Taiwan were in the first class including Larry and Loren Russon, and Jay Wooley. The summer after my mission I joined the US Navy as a reservist. In 1988 I started my career in high-tech working at WordPerfect. I was married in the SLC temple to the former Andrea Cunningham of San Diego on November 22, 1991. We have three children; Dylan (13), Garrett (9), and Olivia (2). I received my BS from BYU in Finance and my MBA from Louisiana State. My MBA included a month-long internship/trip to mainland China. For the last few years I've been working for various high-tech companies doing product management and business development work. In my spare time I coach soccer and baseball. I also am active as a volunteer for social and political organizations.

Now I am President of a metal manufacturing/polishing company in the small town of DaGang in JiangSu province. (The closest town of any size is NanJing. It's about a 45 minute train ride to the west.) DaGang was originally created as a town to service the energy industry. It is now the site of a huge new Export Processing Zone, in which my company is located.

If any of you are preparing to do business in China, or a currently doing so, please allow me to recommend your reading a book titled, "Mr. China" by Tim Clissold. It is a well-written tome by someone who was involved in bringing early venture capital into China during the 1990's, shortly after Deng's famous Southern Tour. Mr. Clissold's experiences will either relate well with your current experiences or will serve as a wake-up call as to the challenges of doing business in the central kingdom.


Allen Logue
Created: 28 Nov 2006  Modified: 02 Sep 2008
Last Login: 03 Oct 2011 03:01:21 PM