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Elder Steven R. SumsionSpringville, Utah 84663
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Presidents: Frederick W. Crook 郭志文 (1977 - 1979) | Served: 1977 - 1979 | Areas Served: Hsin Chu, San Chung, Yung He, Ju Nan, Ju Dung | Companions: Bill Hoke | Bill Peatross | Wayne Reynolds | Your Occupation: Attorney | Spouse: Melinda Oates Sumsion | Comments: Our family of 9 (7 children) lived in Taiwan for 2 years while I worked for an international law firm in Taipei. Two children attended the American school and two attended Chinese public school. Our oldest daughter played on a Chinese high school softball team which was national champion. We survived the 9/21/99 earthquake and aftermath of power and water rationing. A year later, floods and fire destroyed many structures nearby. Indeed, we had an adventure. |
Created: 10 Sep 2003 Modified: 11 Sep 2003 |
Last Login: 07 Nov 2003 04:44:51 PM |
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