Taiwan Taipei Mission Alumni
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Elder Kent Parsons

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Thomas P. Nielson 倪爾遜 (1974 - 1977)
Served: 1974 - 1976
Areas Served:
Tainan, Hualien, Taichung, Taipei, Kaoshuing
David A Burrell | Kevin Scott Carter | Richard Chock Hing Char | Jeffrey Don Jacobson | James H. Jeffs | John R. Liechty | Henri Cameron Patey | David Henry Powers
Your Occupation: School Administrator
Spouse: Sheryl
Retired now and living in Oregon. And yes, it's great to be retired!
Created: 08 Jan 2004  Modified: 16 Jan 2016
Last Login: 16 Jan 2016 12:35:27 PM
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