Taiwan Taipei Mission Alumni
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Jacob James Betzold Alumni Photo

Elder Jacob James Betzold

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Edward James Phipps 馮德書 (2000 - 2003) | Anthony Duane Perkins 潘望博 (2003 - 2006)
Served: 2002 - 2004
Areas Served:
TaoYuan 1st Ward
Andy Britton | Casey Alan Dubose | Douglas Epperson | Jonathan Bruce Hastings | Russell Taylor Henderson | Jon Ranger | Devon Jaymes Sacks
Your Occupation: Engineer
Spouse: Rudi Ollero Betzold
I graduated from Michigan Technological University, in Biomedical Engineering in April 2006, and am now in Kalamazoo, MI with my wife, the most beautiful and talented woman, working at Stryker Instruments as a Manufacturing Engineer with surgical powertools.
Created: 14 Jan 2005  Modified: 01 Feb 2007
Last Login: 06 Aug 2007 12:29:39 PM
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