Taiwan Taipei Mission Alumni
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Glen M Cooper Alumni Photo

Elder Glen M Cooper

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Paul V. Hyer 海爾保羅 (1982 - 1985)
Served: 1983 - 1984
Areas Served:
Neihu, Sanchung, Taipei, Shihlin, Office
Tom Ashby | McKay Eckman | Patrick Eugenis | Paul Jennens | David Veloz | Luke Wardle
Your Occupation: Professor of Middle Eastern History
It's great to be back in contact with old friends. I have wondered what you were doing now.

I am a professor of Middle Eastern History and the History of Science at BYU. I spent almost a decade (the '90s) in New York City in graduate studies in Arabic and Islam (Columbia Univ). There I met my wife and we started our family, which now consists of two delightful children.

I enjoy teaching history: the love of teaching was certainly strengthened if not engendered while laboring as a missionary alongside you in the ROC! [Or is it more correct these days, following the Olympics, to refer to our beloved mission land as "Chinese Taipei"? Yuck!]

I'd love to hear from old friends. (I see Pres. Hyer regularly, since I work in his old department.)

Best wishes to all!
Created: 26 Jun 2006  Modified: 25 Dec 2010
Last Login: 25 Dec 2010 12:45:00 PM
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