Taiwan Taipei Mission Alumni
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Elder Christiaan Baird

Lititz, PA 17543


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Patrick H. Price 江培士 (1988 - 1991)
Served: 1989 - 1991
Areas Served:
Jui Sui, Tanshui, Hsintien, Taipei (Bu), Nankang,
Jason Allsop | David J. Chappuis | Shawn Hostetter
Your Occupation: Art Instructor
Spouse: Sara Mickelson
Greetings to all. I wish I could upload a new cover for the move sheet of my life. ;)

I'm married now (Sara) and have 2 beautiful kids (Braedan, 8 and Lilly, 4). I live smack dab in the middle of an old order Amish community in Lancaster, PA and actually enjoy side-stepping the horse poop along the winding roads of this rural landscape. I'm a full-time art teacher (that means I get to draw pictures all day) and moonlight as a graphic designer. I also teach a bit at the Pennsylvania College of Art and Design. But, let it be said, I'm very careful not to let anything bite into my summer vacation. lol.

Life is good. The mission was sweet. If only I could find a decent bowl of soy milk in January. Miss you all. You know who you are.
Created: 29 Jan 2007  Modified: 29 Jan 2007
Last Login: 15 Feb 2007 07:35:16 PM
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