Taiwan Taipei Mission Alumni
  Login  |  Register as:   Alumni :: Current :: Friend   Sunday, September 8th 

Elder F. Don Dilworth

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Harvey G. Horner 賀中正 (1991 - 1994)
Served: 1992 - 1994
Areas Served:
yungho>chungho>chungli>haulien>shihlin>taipei 5th>tauyan>sungshan
Charles H Catledge | Jared Clavin | Chien Hua Kirk Liao | Eric M Mcpherson | Ron Simonsen | Andrew J. Tuttle
i am married now and have 3 kids a boy and 2 girls would love to hear from any of my friends or companions. have a good day yalll dzai jyan gai tyan jyan

Created: 13 Mar 2002  Modified: 13 Mar 2002
Last Login: 13 Mar 2002 12:17:08 AM
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