Taiwan Taipei Mission Alumni
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Elder Archie Wu

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Harvey G. Horner 賀中正 (1991 - 1994)
Served: 1991 - 1993
Areas Served:
BanQiao/Taibei 1st/ChengGong(east coast)/Miaoli/Mission office/longtan(5days)/NeiHu/SongShan
Scott Fidler | Clark Jones | Brett C Wilson
Not married yet, I'm working as a salesman.Served in the church as a stake high counselor.This is a wonderful site.
Created: 21 Nov 2002  Modified: 21 Nov 2002
Last Login: 21 Nov 2002 08:37:14 PM
http://taiwan.taipei.mission.net© 1996 - 2002, Taiwan Taipei Mission Alumni Website Team
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