Taiwan Taipei Mission Alumni
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Displaying 141 - 160 of 186 -- Add Message

Looking for Sister Weaver 04 Nov 2003
Returned from Taipei business trip recently, and thought of Utah State friend that served in Taiwan mission in the middle 1980s ... Sister Wendy Weaver. Please forward any information.
Ralph Jensen Send Email
Bryan Chastain article 30 Oct 2003
Newpaper article about Bryan Chastain with obituary and funeral information.

Shaun Ohran Send Email
Pr.Allen 28 Oct 2003
I'm looking for Jed Allen and his family. He was Branch President in Taipei in august 1994. He help my wife and I.
I'm in Switzerland and sorry for me english.
Thank you for any help.
Philippe Collard Send Email
Bryan Chastain Funeral 27 Oct 2003
Does anyone know where Bryan Chastain's funeral will be held? The obituary listed on the news page only said that it will be in Bend, OR on October 30, 2003. Thank you for your help.
Nathan Hale
Nathan Hale Send Email
Looking for Deanna Good 20 Oct 2003
As I was thinking of the possibilities of a 20 year reunion ... I got thinking that I have not been able to maintain contact with Deanna Good (served from 1983-1984). Does anyone know where Sister Good may now be living. I believe that her brother would still be living in Taiwan (David Good) ... although I may be wrong. Any information on finding her whereabouts would be appreciated.

McKay Eckman
McKay Eckman Send Email
looking for the Morey family 20 Oct 2003
i am looking for any contact info (phone #, address, or email) for the Morey family. They were in the english ward in taibei (shilin). Bro. Morey worked for the AIT.
Andrea Allen Send Email
Paul Hyer Reunion 15 Oct 2003
I think a 20 year reunion is a great idea. Would love to see some of the old gang again and see what everyone is up to. Anyone else up for this?
Spencer Kartchner Send Email
Help Find Lin Wen Tai 14 Oct 2003
I am hoping someone might have a current address for Lin Wen Tai, who was a very talented artist. She was a member who lived in the Yung Hu (sp?) area in 1976 - 1980 or so. She was very active and worked a lot with the missionaries. She came to America and was in the BYU art department some years later. I believe she might have either taught or attended Utah State after that. She was involved in a serious car accident in Utah, but I believe she fully recovered. I would guess her age to be around 50 years old. Any information on where I might get in touch with her would be GREATLY appreciated.
Rick Waltman Send Email
Paul Hyer Mission Reunion 13 Oct 2003
We need to seriously consider having a "Paul Hyer" mission reunion for all of us serving 20 years ago -- I feel that a 20-year reunion would be a good reason to throw a party!!! Now that Pres. Hyer is no longer spending so much time in China it would be a good idea to get all of us together. If you're from the Hyer era in Taiwan send your request in and maybe someone will get the message.

McKay Eckman -- 1983-1984
McKay Eckman Send Email
Stephen Christopher Knowles 07 Sep 2003
On a similar note to Elder Laurent's request, can any of you help me track down Stephen Christopher Knowles? He sometimes went by Chris, sometimes by Steve. I kept in touch with him for a couple of years after our missions, but then lost track of him when we moved. He started his mission in early 1977.

Thanks very much.

Vic Walker
Vic Walker 葛志浩 Send Email
Searching for missionaries 06 Sep 2003
Hello, all. I'm looking for Elder Harvey Clark, who was a Taiwan missionary from 1974-76. We were companions in Nantou in November 1975. Elder Clark was from Alberta. If anybody knows where he is, please drop me a line. Thanks.

I'm also looking for other missionaries from the April 1975 group: Craig Sparks, Randy Stewart Orcutt, Ed Lyman.

Thanks for any leads! AHL
Arthur Halliday Laurent Send Email
Sherman Leung 14 Aug 2003
If you have any contact information for Elder
Sherman Leung (from Melbourne, Austrailia) I would appreiciate it.
Jake Reid Send Email
contact Bryan Null 22 Jul 2003
I am trying to locate Bryan Null, does anyone have any contact info on him? Thanks for any help...Dave Nelson
Ronald "Dave" Nelson Send Email
Contact Infor needed 20 Jul 2003
I would appreciate receiving contact information (e-mail is best) of the following members I knew when I served in 1982-84:

Ruan Rae Chang
(male -early 40's). I've seen him in the Ensign as a Stake Leader in Taichong, but don't know how to contact him. We were missionaries together in 1983-84 in Pan Chiao.

Hsu Rong Lin
(male - early 40s?) Member in Taipei.

Lyau Yi Fang
(female mid-thirties). Member, last known to be in Tamsui

Hsu Chian Kuo
(male late 40's?) Baptized in Taipei. taught mostly by my MTC companion Elder Dahlstrom, but Elder Harris and I taught him the last few discussions. Hsu later served a mission himself down south somewhere.

Any help you can offer in contacting these folks will be gretly appreciated.
David N. Campbell Send Email
Meetings 15 Jul 2003
I will be in/near Tamsui?(near Taipei) for 5+ months on business. Is their an English speaking Ward or Branch in that area? Is their English Speaking sessions at the temple? Can I get clothing at the Temple? I would appreciate any info. Thanks, Nick
Nick Petrella Send Email
Members 11 Jul 2003
I would like to know the whereabouts of members HUANG PO TA (Huang Bo Da) from Chung Li and CHI PI (Qi Bi) from Taipei, whom I baptized in the 1960s. Does anybody have information about them?
Taiwan Taipei Admin Comment (15 Jul 2003)

For suggestions in finding members - the following webpage may be of help:
Robert J. Morris Send Email
SARS situation 09 Jul 2003
Does anyone know if the mission has reopened yet? Now that SARS has calmed down and is almost extinct is the missionary work back to normal??
Kristin Elizabeth King Send Email
Missionary Contact 23 Jun 2003
I wanted to post a message to the current mission home staff. My brother-in-law is living in Taipei (Shr Pai area) and was contacted by missionaries in a park during the month of March. His name is Lu Ping-Wen. He left his contact information with the missionaries for follow up. I would like to (if possible) find out which missionaries made contact and what type of follow up has been made. I have received e-mails from Ping-Wen asking questions and I have provided responses telling him about the young womens program and other programs the church offers. He has two daughters, the oldest of which is entering junior high school. I believe that he would be very interested in getting his daughter involved in the young womens activities as he is a very concerned father and wants the best for his family.

If you could get a message out to the Taipei area missionaries as to who made contact please provide them with my name (and e-mail address is they can send e-mail). I would also like to know which ward they are a part of for the young womens president to make direct contact with the family (particularly the oldest daughter). I believe that Ping-Wen would be more likely to have interest and join the church should contact be made through the local ward members (in addition to the missionaries). I am a ward missionary now and I know how important the members are in the missionary work -- the missionaries are called to "teach" not "find", finding is the responsibility of the members.

Any help in bringing the gospel to my brother-in-law and his family would be eternally greatful.

McKay Eckman Send Email
Find Someone 02 Jun 2003
I am trying to find some contact information for Ladd Carlston. If anyone knows how to find him please drop me a line at :

John Tippetts 田志宏 Send Email
Pocahontas 17 May 2003
Does anyone know how to contact Huang Wen Chien (Pocahontas), a sister missionary in 1984/1985? If so please let me know. Thanks! Lisa (Martineau) Hawkins (Ma)
Lisa Kay Hawkins Send Email
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