Comments: W. Brent Hardy was born on October 14, 1933 in La Verkin, Utah. He served his mission in the Southern Far East Mission from 1956 to 1959. At that time, the mission included the entire southeast Asia area and so, President Hardy had the opportunity to serve in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Guam, and visit the Philippines. President Hardy became the Mission President of the Southern Far East Mission in 1968 and finished as President of the Hong Kong Mission in 1971. The mission was divided three times during that period of time (see History). President Hardy graduated from Hurricane High School and earned a degree in Economics at the University of Utah. He also served in the Army for two years.
President Hardy has been Bishop, Regional Representative and Mission Representative of the Twelve for Taiwan, Hong Kong and Vietnam Regions, Stake Patriarch for North Las Vegas, Youth Sunday School Teacher (17 year olds) 26 years continuously. Called as a sealer in 1989. He is currently the Temple President of the Hong Kong Temple.
Sister Elaine Taylor Hardy was born July 1, 1935 in Ogden, Utah. Sister Hardy also served in the Southern Far East Mission from 1958 to 1960. She graduated from Weber High School and attended Utah State University. Sister Hardy has served as Spiritual Living instructor, Gospel Doctrine teacher, Primary, Young Women, Secretary for Patriarch 24 years, Companion to the mission president, and Hong Kong China Temple Matron.
President and Sister Hardy were married in the Salt Lake Temple and now have five children -- Dianne, Warren, Rebecca, Hance and Jared -- and twenty-three grandchildren.
(Submitted by President Grant Heaton) |