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Melanie  DeVore Alumni Photo

Sister Melanie DeVore (Rueckert)

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Brent K. Pratt (1997 - 2000) | Randolph C. Nieffenegger (2000 - 2003)
Served: 1999 - 2000
Areas Served:
Sagemont, S.Bellaire, Alief, Westheimer, Freeport, Herman Park, Seabrook, Antoine
Lisa Ray Brown (Koelliker) | Melissa Ann Burton | Claudia da Silva Carvalho (.) | Stephanie Ferguson (Huish) | Claudia Carvalho Perry (Claudia Carvalho) | Kimberly Ann Ripplinger (Lowry) | Amy Sarah Washburn
Your Occupation: Student
Spouse: James P DeVore
This has been a busy year for me, and especially this last month. James and I are relocating north to Longmont to be closer to his job. It's not very easy to be moving with a newborn. James II was born August 9 and has been keeping me busy and very tired :). I hope everyone is doing well. Keep me updated.
Created: 17 Sep 2002  Modified: 31 Aug 2005
Last Login: 31 Aug 2005 10:06:10 AM

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