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Sister Magen Ruth Martin

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Randolph C. Nieffenegger (2000 - 2003)
Served: 2001 - 2002
Areas Served:
Spanish-speaking, Galveston, El Campo, Wharton, Missouri City, Orem
Julie Elizabeth Chalker | Annelise Jolene Dew | Lisseth Martinez-Tupe (Martinez) | Jamie Ellen Taylor (Guthrie) | Shelli Crista Thompson (Ray) | Rachel Marie Willis
Your Occupation: Computer Programmer
Wow, I can't believe that I’m finally updating my profile. So a brief update. I graduated from BYU-I with a bachelor's in IS in Dec. 2004. I have lived and worked the past two years as a programmer in Sandy UT, and I still love it. I attend a fabulous single's ward and an amazing institute class. There is so much to do here. The main things I do with my spare time are attending the theatre (Les Mis next year) or going to some sports game (baseball, basketball, hockey) or traveling. I recently went to visit my sister in PA. While I was there we visited NYC where we saw the amazing Broadway play “Wicked”. I would recommend this play to anyone! It was so good! The only problem is that once you see it you may never get the songs out of your head again. I also visited Portland this past September. That is a beautiful area. I was going to head back to good ole’ Texas for Thanksgiving, but my sister decided she wanted to get married that week. Next year. Life is going good. Everyone have a feliz navidad!
Created: 23 Jan 2003  Modified: 30 Dec 2006
Last Login: 18 Jan 2007 07:37:31 AM

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