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Sister Kelly Lynn Carter Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Michael Allen Goodman (1997 - 2000) | Served: 1998 - 2000 | Areas Served: Bangkapi, Thonburi, Ubon | Companions: Jennifer Elizabeth Farnsworth | LESLEY Turner | Your Occupation: Lumberjack (ha! -but for reals) | Spouse: Kyle Clark -soon to be | Comments: Hey my friends! You know how they say the harder you work on your mission the better looking your spouse will be? Ha! It's true! It was worth every effort too! So I'm getting married on June 26, 2004! Awesome huh? I'm having a hard time finding some of my comps, friends, and fellow MTC Elders, and Sister Farnsworth, and thought maybe it would be easier for you to find me! Email me or something -let's keep up the good times. |
Created: 28 May 2004 Modified: 28 May 2004 |
Last Login: 16 Jul 2004 04:16:53 PM |
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