Elder McAllister Gentry

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Kay Henrie Christensen (2002 - 2005)
Served: 2002 - 2004
Areas Served:
Lugansk, Zaparozhia, Sevastopol, Poltava
Seth Bradford Neville | Raymond Joseph Wadsworth | Nathan Weir
Your Occupation: Cadet
Spouse: Not until I'm done here
What's going on? I'm just having a blast at the United States Air Force Academy. I'll be going to Russia on an all expenses paid trip by the Air Force during Spring Break, so I'm pretty pumped about that. There are still no pretty girls out here at the Academy so if you find an extra one running around out there at BYU, send her my way. Let me know what you are up to if I knew you on the mission. You know who you are. Later.
Created: 16 Mar 2005  Modified: 16 Mar 2005
Last Login: 16 Mar 2005 08:16:18 AM