Andrew Benjamin Hyde Alumni Photo

Elder Andrew Benjamin Hyde

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Kay Henrie Christensen (2002 - 2005)
Served: 2002 - 2004
Areas Served:
Donetsk, Center; Sumy; Kharkov, North Saltovka; Gorlovka, Solnechny; Sevastopol
Alex Eagar | Nathan Hawryluk | Jeffrey M Vanorden | Andrew Garver Yoder
Your Occupation: Student
Spouse: Holly Hyde
Surprise! Holly and I had twins! Benjamin and William(left to right in the picture). Now with the addition of Will and Ben, Holly and I are the proud parents of two boys and two dogs. Our boys were born on February 12, 2007 and are doing very well. We love them so much and can't imagine our lives without them. I am still going to school and just enjoying life as I experience it. I have been thinking of my mission a lot lately and am so grateful I was able to serve and that I was called to Ukraine. I love the Church and the joy righteous living brings. I hope you are all well and loving life.
Created: 23 Mar 2005  Modified: 27 May 2007
Last Login: 24 Oct 2007 02:31:41 PM