
Elena Stivers

708 Harvest Circle
Grain Valley, Missouri 64029

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Hi, my name is Elena V Stivers (Kuznyetsova)
I was born in Simferopol (Crimea).
I became a member of LDS Church in Donetsk (Petrovsky Branch), my last name was Kuznyetsova at that time. I served my mission in Russia-Rostov from May 2002 to December 2003.
I moved to US two weeks after my mission because i became a student at BYU-Provo. In 2005 i got married to the BEST guy in the world, his name is David Conor Stivers. In August 2005 we moved to Missouri.
I hope that some of you still remember me and i would love to hear from any of you who knows me!
P.S. And we are going to have our first baby in May 2008.