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 Alex Kopaigora43 Winterhaven
Irvine, CA 92614
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In Sep. 2012 moved to Irvine, CA.
Wife: Liz (LCSW). Three children: Joseph (turned 6 in Jan.'13), Suzzy (4 in Oct.'12), Zander (2 in Jul.'12)
In Aug. 2012 earned Executive MBA from BYU.
Baptized in Kiev in Dec. 1991 by Elders Spencer and Coleman. In 1994-96 filled a mission to Provo, Utah. In April 2001 graduated from BYU-Hawaii in International Business Management. Worked for Marriott in Denmark (Oct.'02-Jun.'05) and Los Angeles (Jun.'06-Apr.'11). Married Liz Stayner in Jan. 2006 in Newport Beach, CA Temple. |
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