News Item: Information From President Chidester
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1. Mission website address
B. Please log in and sign up.
2. Contacting the Chidesters in the USA (after July 5, 2003)
A. We will not be in our home for a few months after we return to the United States. Correspondence for us can be sent to our daughters address:
1969 S. 1550 W.
Woods Cross, UT 84087
B. Telephone messages can be left for us at our daughters (Melissa Paschal) home. Her telephone number is:
(801) 294-9888
3. Open House with the Chidesters
A. When: July 12 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
B. Where: Eaglewood Chapel located across the street from the Eaglewood golf course clubhouse in North Salt Lake, Utah. The chapel sits on the main north / south boulevard on the eastern bench of south Davis County. In Bountiful the street is called Bountiful Boulevard. The Bountiful temple is located on this same street about four miles north of the chapel. When the street crosses into the North Salt Lake city limits it changes its name to Eagle Ridge Boulevard.
4. President and Hermana Chidester will be speaking in their home ward in July.
A. When: July 13, 2003
B. Time: 9:00 a.m. (best to be there no later than 8:30 a.m.)
C. Where: North Salt Lake, Utah; Eaglewood chapel (see above for directions).
5. A mission reunion will be held October 3, 2003 at the same chapel mentioned above. More information will be posted on the mission website at a later date.
6. Please pass the word on to our former missionaries about these three get-togethers. We hope to see any many as possible. Would it surprise you if we told you we miss our missionaries?
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