Stories: The Greenleaf family
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I was in my third area, Brigham City, and having a hard time, for after much success in my first two areas, Brigham was quite a challenge because we were having trouble finding people to teach. I was going to train my second "son", Elder Fairall, but was still serving with Elder Fastson when we got a call from the assistants, setting up a day to go on exchanges with us. I became very excited, for they could help us on our work. When they arrived, we decided I would stay with Elder Fort, who came to the field from the MTC the same day I did, and later on my mission became my companion. We went to a couple of appointments in the morning and after lunch we decided to talk to everyone we could see, and we did just that. About 70% of Brigham inhabitants were members, so we had many offers for food and drinks, but no referrals. Then we passed in front of a house and Elder Fort kept looking at it. A couple of door down he stopped and said: "Let us go back to that blue house over there." We went back, knocked on the door and a boy answered. His parents were not home, so we said we would go back about 7:00 p.m. As we returned, we found everybody home and taught a first discussion. Charlene, the mother, had read The Work and the Glory and knew much about the church, and she loved the teachings and everything about it. It was a great discussion we had, and I went back there many times to teach and we became close friends. It took some time for them to become members, because of some problems with the word of wisdom. It was almost a year later, when another elder who had come from the MTC with Elder Fort and I was serving in Brigham, Elder Waters. I got the opportunity to go back and watch their baptisms, it was a marvelous day. That was the first family I got the chance to teach and see baptized, an entire family, found knocking on a door, something we did not do much on our mission, but I was blessed to be with one of the most spiritual elders of the mission that day, and he listened and obeyed the prompting he received to go and knock on that door. Actually, we were companions on the day of the baptism of the Greenleaf family, and while serving with him, I learned how important it is to give heed to the Holy Ghost. Because he did that, I made eternal friendship with the greenleaf's. And after that day, it became easier to serve in Brigham, a challenge that came to be one of the areas that brought me some of the most wonderfull experiences I had troughout my mission. |
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