Stories: Beautiful Times
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I remember serving in my first area and one evening going out and knocking on doors while out on "Splits". We got to this one door and this teenage fellow answered. It became apparent that the Ward member I was with had hoped to catch this guy at home and have me try and persuade him to serve a mission. As I'm listening to this guy try and tell this teenager about how missions are all fun and games, I started thinking about how at that moment Wrestlemania X was going on down in Salt Lake City (at that very moment). I was a huge fan at the time. If I wasn't on my mission at the time, I would have been there.
I remember looking at this young man (who obviously wanted nothing more than to get us off of his doorstep) and I remember telling him that "No, serving a mission is not all fun and games". Like anything worth doing, it can be tough. But I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. And if he decided for himself that that was what he wanted to do, he would not regret it.
I feel like sharing that because I still feel the same way about the time Iwas blessed to serve.
Alex |
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