Stories: birthday suprize
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I recall when I was serving in my second area, Layton Valley View Stake. It was my birthday, and my companion was treeting me to lunch. So, we were walking over to the "One Man Band" on Fairfield and needed to go through an apartment complex.
The only thing we had with us was a BofM in each pocket of our trench coats, it was raining at the time, but we noticed a young lady sitting out on her porch smoking, where we could talk to her, and Elder Hatley nudged me and said, "Lets go."
We came to find out that she was a member, though not active, but her boyfriend/fiance was not. We talked with him and ended up getting invited in to do a first discussion.
We didn't have our bibles with us, so we used the NIV study bible that they had to read with them the verses, this was a singularly interesting experience though the message of the verses was still clear. The lesson went as expected, though Mike was quite enthusiastic about everything, until we got to the "Joseph Smith dialog" where we asked everyone there to pray with us individually in turn about Joseph Smith. That wasn't really anything special, it went quite well, we knelt there with our eyes closed and arms folded along with Mike and his girlfriend, the spirit was so strong that day, though, that I almost teared up, but the kicker to the whole thing was that while we were praying the storm had broken and the sun had come out and made things warm so fast that you could see the steam rising from the wet ground.
Mike said that if God could answer prayers, he couldn't have asked for a more obvious one than what had happened with the storm. He had to work through his smoking habit, but about 3 weeks later he was baptised and confirmed.
It was one of the most memorable birthdays I think I will ever have. |
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