Stories: Young Samoan Family
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I was double transfered into a sisters area and I was training a new missionary. As we were looking through our finding records we came across a name that said DO NOT CONTACT. Well Elder Brunner and I must have had the spirit with us because we wanted to see her. When we knocked on the door she opened the door and told us that the sisters were visiting her some time ago. She told us to come by in the day. Well after getting to know her we found out that she had a Less Active Husband and two kids who have not been baptised. Well we told her that the message we share is for families and we would love to share this message with her and her family. Well the discussions went on and we would ask about baptism at every discussion. Sonja told us that she will follow her husband if he goes back to church then I will go back. Newly works every sunday
After some more discussions and visits we were able to get Sonja and her 2 sons to church. They liked church a lot. Well when the discussions were all over Elder Brunner went to their house for a visit. Elder brunner decided to read John chapter 3. WEll as they were reading when they got to verse 5 Elder Brunner stopped talking. Then the Boys said "Hey Mom when are we getting baptised?" Then Elder Brunner immediately said "tomarrow" The Boys looked excited then Sonja said to wait 1 week because she might have a misscarrage. Newly(sonjas husband) didnt seem to like the idea to much, but let them choose what they wanted to do. Later on during another follow up visit we found out that their younger son christopher who is only 3 years old was really sick. WE gave him a blessing and the lord blessed him. Newly was so happy that he asked for Sundays off and his family was baptised. I love The Young Family. When I was leaving the great Utah Ogden Mission to go home I stopped by their house. The family goes to church every sunday and are looking forward to being sealed at the temple. The have the Hymn Book calling they go up and down the halls to make sure everyone has a hymn book. |
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