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Wedding Reception Info 10 Jun 2005
Hey UPM missionaries! Those who know me are invited to come join us for the reception. It would be great to see all of you again.

Mr. and Mrs. Cherie M. Tilley
are pleased to announce
the marriage of their daughter

Rebecca Jean Tilley
Marcus Yi Tian Khong

son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Khong
on Friday the twenty-fourth Day of June
two thousand and five
in the Salt Lake City LDS Temple.

You are cordially invited to attend a
reception held in their honor.

Friday, June 24
7:00-9:00 PM
Sharon East Stake Center
1060 E. 2400 N.
Provo, UT

The couple is registered with Target and Wal-Mart.
Marcus Yi Tian Khong Send Email
Where are Elder Liu and Sister Bridges? 10 Jun 2005
Hello everyone,
I was just wondering if anyone knew the whereabouts of Elder Liu from Taiwan and Sister Bridges? Your help would be appreciated if you could get back to me on how I could locate these two returned missionaries.

Marcus Khong
(801) 358-2136
Marcus Yi Tian Khong Send Email
Looking for Elder Matt Baker 07 Jun 2005
Hello everyone! I'm trying to locate an Elder Matt Baker who served in Washington City with me back in May 2002. Please get back to me if you know his whereabouts or contact info. Thanks.

Elder Khong
(801) 358-2136
Marcus Yi Tian Khong Send Email
Hi. 07 Jun 2005
I just wanted those who know me to know that I am still alive! I got married to a wonderful guy, his name is Jeromy. He served his mission in Bulgaria. We were married Nov. 15th 2003. We just had a baby, she was born March 21, 2005. Her name is Abbie. I love being a mom! Life is really great. I miss everyone, let me know how you're all doing.
Shawna Rae Wright Send Email
UPM 12 Apr 2005
Hello everyone from the UPM!!! I am currently in school studying Political Science. I am also the new Ward Mission Leader in my ward. I am also writing a nice comic/novel book. It is just a hobby that I enjoy. Congrats to all you newlyweds!!! Too bad I couldn't attend your reception and get the free food!!! I gotta go to class now...if you know me you better send me an email.
Gary Jefferson Send Email
New Baby 06 Apr 2005
Emily Ann Mosley was born on January 21, 2005. She weighed 10 lbs. 4 ozs. and is doing great. She joins big sister Madilyn who is 3 1/2. I would love to hear from anyone who served with me, although as time goes by I am feeling older! Of course, I was old to start with! HA!
Stacy Ann Mosley Send Email
Pledge To Sprint 06 Apr 2005
I think I have it somewhere, I will look!
Stacy Ann Mosley Send Email
addresses 04 Apr 2005
Hi, I need updated addresses for the Gregsons and my companions. Please email me those. Thanks,
Kathy Glenn
Kathy Jo Glenn Send Email
Pledge To Sprint 31 Mar 2005
I would really appreciate it if someone would be willing to send me the text of the "Pledge to Sprint" from the President Hancock, President Gregson era. I have searched for mine many times but cannot find it. I realize it may be quite long, but I remember it being very motivating. Thanks in advance for anyone willing.
Damen M. Caraway UPM Aug '95-Aug '97
Damen M. Caraway Send Email
US Visit 29 Mar 2005
For those who may be around in Mid August, my family and I will be coming over to Canada for my brothers wedding and then to Utah in mid August 2005. Would love to catch up with anyone who is around. On a side note, my wife and I had another baby boy late last year. Caleb Jacob Unwin born ..... 11 pounds. 58cm long ( approx 23 inches) He is now 5 months old and weighs 22.4 pounds and stands about 72cm or 28 inches tall. HUGE BOY. Brother to a very little blond Jordan and a energetic Tristan.
Peter Bradley Unwin Send Email
Coming up for Conference? 23 Mar 2005

My little brother is going into the MTC in a week and I'm coming out to Utah to see him off, visit friends and stay for Conference.

Anyone who lives in, around, or near Utah or anyone who will be in, around, or near Utah during Conference weekend and would like to catch up... just e-mail me with your e-mail address or phone number. (I don't know half of everybody who lives out there now, so you'll have to let me know!)

Hope to see y'all soon!
-Ethan Blackwelder
Ethan Blackwelder Send Email
Our Baby Girl 21 Mar 2005
Macartney Ruth Wigg was born on March 16th at 730pm and has wonderful dark hair, cute dimples and little hobbit ears. Both her and Adrienne are doing good. Children sure do make life grande.
Denver James Wigg Send Email
There must be something in the water! 02 Mar 2005
Man...What is it with us? There are a lot of temple marriages being performed lately, aren't there? Well, I have an announcement:
I'm engaged!! Yes, Christian and I have been dating for almost a year now and the time has come to take things to a higher stage. We're getting married August 20th at the Mexico City Temple. Everyone's invited. There's plenty of time, so you have no excuse.

I hope to hear from all of you very soon.
May the Lord bless you all!
Your friend and brother:
Luis Alfredo Campos Gutierrez
Luis Alfredo Gutierrez Campos Send Email
Hello 18 Feb 2005
Hey, looking to contact people from the mission. I have misplaced most of my contact info. I am also looking for Elder Michael Jensen of California. If anyone has any info, please e-mail me.

Hope all is well. I'd love to hear how everyone is doing.
Seth W Nelson Send Email
Anxiously ENGAGED! 07 Feb 2005
Hi everybody,
Gonna make this short and sweet. I just wanted all of you to know that I finally got myself ENGAGED in an eternal cause. Yup, my fiancee is Rebecca Tilley, and she is from Elko, Nevada. We have known each other for 10 months now, dated for 5 months today and will be married in about 5 months on June 24, 2005 in the Salt Lake Temple. Those who know me, please contact me as I would love to send out invitations to you all. This is to show that not all BYU RMs get married in a flash without rationalization. Go Cougs!
Marcus Yi Tian Khong Send Email
Marriage 14 Jan 2005
Helloooo everyone,

Yeaaaah I can finalliy announce that I'm engaged and my wedding is coming up Feb. 4 2005 in the Mt. Timpanogos Temple and there will a reception held in Provo 450 N 1220 W. If I know you, you are welcome to attend. Doors open at 5 pm and dinner will be served at 6. Hope to see you there.
David Russell Badesso Send Email
My wedding reception 11 Jan 2005
Just in case you didn't get an invitation, EVERYONE is invited - just rsvp on the website
So far Elders Pitcher, Hill and Lafontaine are coming...we'd love to see more so come on down! Contact me by email or phone if you need help with anything.
Happy New Year!
Joseph John Ranseth Send Email
Joseph Ranseths Wedding Reception 11 Jan 2005
Hey, I'm going down to Elder Ranseth's Wedding Reception on January 22nd. I'll be leaving from Edmonton Friday sometime. I have room for 2 more to ride down with me. If you want a ride and are somewhere close by contact me ASAP! My contact info is listed under my Biography in the UPM Alumni listing. Just FYI. Adios - Alumi
William S. Pitcher Send Email
New Baby! 04 Jan 2005
I just wanted to annouce that my wife and I recently had our first baby. Her Name is Alexis Elizabeth Hamlin and she was born Nov. 29th 2004 weighing 9lbs and 6 oz. She is doing great as are we!
Greg R Hamlin Send Email
Merry Christmas! 03 Jan 2005
Just wanted to wish you all a very merry christmas and let you know I had a baby boy!
November 17, 2004
Tyson Stephen Smyth
10 lbs 5 oz
He is very smiley and happy and spoiled to death. Hope you had a wonderful holiday and Santa was good to you. Let me know how you are all doing! Love ya
Kristine (Stone) Smyth
Kristine Smyth Send Email
Jeff Udall 04 Dec 2004
Hey E. Irwin,

call Jeff's parents in Houston (I'm in his parents ward and grew up with Jeff)

David and Jeanne Udall


They'll point you in the right direction.

William Watts
William James Watts Send Email
Where is Elder Udall? 02 Dec 2004
Hi. I'm Michael Irwin and I served in the UPM from 99-01 and am looking for my first missionary companion, Jeff Udall. If anybody knows how to reach him, let me know.
James Michael Irwin Send Email
Denver 01 Dec 2004
If your name's not Denver, move on to the next message. Denver, I've lost your email address. I have urgent news. Christmas is coming early this year. Gundy
David Bertram Gunderson Send Email
Where is Elder Robles? 16 Nov 2004
I'm trying to track down Elder Luis Robles from San Diego, CA. I got a special invitation for him. If anyone knows how to contact him, please forward the info to me.
Much Thanks!
Marlon E. Avalos Send Email
Fatigue Syndrome 28 Oct 2004
Hey everybody,

I was looking for a couple of influential Elders from the beginning of my mission. Ok, the first one is for you Candians. Looking for Shane Johnson from Lethbridge. Any info would be a bonus. Also, Clint Beverage. He's from Maine but the last time I heard he was going to Snow college. Ok, thanks everybody, just remember if you need some advice, I'm just an e-mail away. Like this, wedding colors for Elder Ranseth Blue and Green. See how easy it is :-)
Charles Edgar Parsons Send Email
No longer a menace... 26 Oct 2004
Yes, i am no longer to be considered a menace to society - I am going to be married on the 11th of November.
Aileen is the most amazing sister ever, I don't know how i will ever repay the Lord for being blessed to have her as my best friend. We will be married in the Regina Saskatchewan Temple on Remembrance Day, with a reception to be held in Regina on January 22nd.
More information will be posted at as I get around to it... Everyone is welcome to come to the reception!
Joseph John Ranseth Send Email
anybody going to be there? 23 Oct 2004
I am going to be in Utah Nov. 18th to the 23rd. Is anybody going to be there that would like to have lunch (on me) and catch up on old times? I'd love to hear from you! P.S. Elder Kaspar is marrying a girl from LaVerkin! So much for locking your heart eh Elder!
Brody McDearmid Send Email
music 07 Oct 2004
I was wondering if anybody had a copy of the Boys II Elders CD that was recorded by some of the missionaries in the mission back around 1999 or so. I would also like to get my hands on the '99 Christmas Fireside cd. Thanks,

Gregory B Pilling Send Email
looking for Elder Free and Elder Chandler 06 Oct 2004
Hi Everyone
I know it has been 16 years ago since I was baptized as a memeber. I'm trying to locate Elder Free and Elder Chandler. You see I was baptized in the Monroe Stake Center in Monroe, UT. I believe that one of them is from Ohio and the other from Canada. If anyone that may know them please let me know. Anyone can contact me via e-mail.
Again I would greatly appreciate it.
Christena Ann Davis Send Email
Thanks for coming to the Reunion! 02 Oct 2004
Just wanted to drop a note for all those who attended last night's Mission Reunion for President and Sister Smith. It sure was good to hear all the chatter and noise created! Thanks to all who made this possible and those who provided the refreshments and memories. Well, let's get this going sometime again. President and Sister Smith, may the Lord continue to guide you in all the good that you plan to do for the rest of your lives!

P.S. Did any of you leave a blue porcelain plate behind at the Reunion last night? If you did, please get back to me as i have it.
Marcus Yi Tian Khong Send Email
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