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 | Elder Dennis Lundstrom Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: David A. Christensen (1995 - 1998) | J. Richard Thorderson (1998 - 2001) | Served: 1997 - 1999 | Areas Served: Muray, West Jordan, Salt Lake City, University of Utah, Magna, West Valley, Stansbury | Companions: Michael Berry | Tom C Hansson-Palo | Benjamin Hutto | Your Occupation: Customer Service - Verizon Wireless | Spouse: Kimberly Hastings | Comments: After going home in July 1999, I returned to Salt Lake City 2 months later. I married my girlfriend from before my mission who did happed to live in the mission. We married in March of 2000. We now live in West Valley City and have a 8 month baby boy named Daegan. I am attending Salt Lake Community College and majoring in Sociology. In 2004 I will be going up to the UofU and majoring in Comminations in Marketing. I currently work for Verizon Wireless in their customer service center in West Valley. Right now that is my life in a nut shell. |
Created: 20 Jul 2003 Modified: 03 Mar 2004 |
Last Login: 03 Mar 2004 01:57:49 PM |
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