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Elder John Robert Gibbon Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Ernest Eberhardt (1975 - 1976) | Eldon W. Cooley (1976 - 1979) | Served: 1975 - 1977 | Areas Served: North Ogden, Bountiful, Logan, Hooper, Ritchfield | Companions: Mark Allen Hasson | Your Occupation: Teacher | Spouse: Catherine Gibbon | Comments: We have four children: Josh-25, Emily-24, Katie-21, Becky-17. Josh served in the Mexico, Tijuana mission and is married (he and his wife, Jessica, have a baby boy-Zack) and is just finishing his education program at the University of Alberta. Em graduated from BYU and teaches in Helper, Utah (I told her all that "Helper, Utah" implied, in Utah-SLC mission culture :) Kate, and her husband Jeremy, are at BYU. Becky is at home for a year before she goes to the U. of Lethbridge next fall. I am a high school special education teacher. I also teach at Okanagan University College. I'm grateful to have served in the Utah Salt Lake City Mission. It was an amazing time and place. I like to think that President Eberhard is over on the other side, along with Elders Abate, Gibbons, Mecham, etc, encouraging those members to invite their non-member (spirit) friends to hear the gospel. It would be great to labor together again one more time. |
Created: 03 Nov 2003 Modified: 03 Nov 2003 |
Last Login: 14 Jan 2004 04:28:29 PM |
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