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 | Elder Jonathan James Bleakley Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Richard G. Hinckley (2001 - 2004) | Served: 2002 - 2004 | Areas Served: Liberty Stake, Copperhills Stake, Tooele East Stake, Rock Springs Wyoming Stake, Bonneville & Uni 2nd Stakes | Companions: Scott David Allen | Misiafa Fitisemanu | M. Scott Quinton | Sage Turk | Your Occupation: Student | Spouse: Jennie Marie Kitsell | Comments: Well, I'm in England at Leeds University at the moment, studying Biochemistry. I'm looking at going to Med school. I work bank shifts as a Nursing Assistant a few times a month. Over the summer last year I worked for the Conservative Party Shadow Defence Secretary in Parliament in Westminster. You never know, maybe that will one day be my job!! ;)
On the 11th Nov I got engaged to Jennie Kitsell, from West Yorkshire in England. We were married on 24th March in the Preston England Temple. We had our first child on 13th January. Grace Marion was born by emergency caesarean. She is perfect!
I am Stake Young Mens President for where I am. Jennie is on Stake young Womens. At least our meetings are usually together!! Love life. All is good. Can't wait to see what is happening int he rest of my life. |
Created: 31 May 2004 Modified: 27 Jan 2008 |
Last Login: 27 Jan 2008 03:01:51 PM |
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