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Sister Sinitalela Lodelius (LATU) Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: David A. Christensen (1995 - 1998) | Served: 1996 - 1998 | Areas Served: Rose park
Tongan program
West Jordan
South Salt Lake
Taylorsville/same Zone different District
Died in West Jordan | Companions: Tanja Badenheuer | Valerie J Hempel (Saurman) | Jenna Leigh Livingston (Conner) | Dallas Desiree Mathews | Your Occupation: Still President of Home Secerity | Spouse: Ryan Londelius | Comments: Wasssup!2003 Reunion..I was so excited to meet up with my favorite DL's Loinz,B,Russ and my most favorite since 1-29-00,My hubby L,Can't forget my comps Conner and Bell,But the icing on the cake was Prez..Gosh his so the Bomb..Updates on me and L..
we Pitched our tent in West Jordan since the 1st of this month.One little Daddys girl named 'Anangalufe,Celebrated her 1st Birthday in Laie HI in June that was FUN.Okay now I'm HOME
SICK..My superman Ryan is going to school to become a Pilot & working full-time,Me,stay @ home mom..Miss the Mish but LOVE the married life and the legal married stuff..HeHeHe
Much love to all ya'll FAT-HEADS,
Created: 22 Nov 2004 Modified: 22 Nov 2004 |
Last Login: 24 Nov 2004 01:33:57 PM |
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