1975-1980 and 1989 to present

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Sister Clarissa Dickson (Griner)

127 Ellis
Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473

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Victor L. Walch (1992 - 1995) | David A. Christensen (1995 - 1998)
Served: 1994 - 1995
Areas Served:
Sandy, Granger, Toole
Sydney Victoria Kilpack (Montour) | Jill F Norris (Bore) | Jill Norris (Bore) | Heidi Peters (Terry) | Laura Purrington
Spouse: David Kirk
My husband and I have enjoyed unheard of geographic stability in the US Army and are going on 8 years of being in Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri which is close to my hometown so I have had no complaints. During this time my hubby Dave has served 1 year in Korea and has come up to serve another starting in the summer of 2006. My 6 year old Olivia is a social butterfly. My almost 5 year old son Paul is as sweet as little boys come. And my 18 month old Faith is playful and into everything. I have been working in Primary as a counselor and now as a CTR 6 teacher--perhaps a change is in the forecast. :) I love to scrapbook and read when I get the chance. Hello to all my dear mission friends! Thanks for your examples and the great memories!
Created: 14 Dec 2001  Modified: 12 Dec 2005
Last Login: 22 Mar 2007 09:30:06 AM

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