1975-1980 and 1989 to present

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Michael Allan Larm Alumni Photo

Elder Michael Allan Larm

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Donald McArthur (1989 - 1992) | Victor L. Walch (1992 - 1995)
Served: 1990 - 1992
Areas Served:
Sandy,Kearns,Holiday/Cottonwood,Sugar House,Taylorsville, Sandy, Hunter, SouthSalt Lake, West Jordan.
Loren A Evans | Michael Aaron Gabrielson | Jeffrey Alan Starkey
Your Occupation: Staff Accountant
Spouse: Candice
This May I will graduate with a degree in Accounting. A word to the wise, never change your major. I was in Architecture because it was first in the school catalog. I then discovered that two of the pages were stuck together and that Accounting was first in the school catalog, so I changed. I met some girl on my mission and now we own a condo and have a couple of kids. (If you feel like spreading rumors, now would be the time.) My wife's name is Candice. We were married 06/25/94 in the Salt Lake Temple on the hottest day of the year. The record still stands for that day. Our children's names are Alex and Jenna Zoe. Alex is 6 and Jenna was just born in October of 2001. I can be reached by email through this site.
Created: 29 Jan 2002  Modified: 29 Jan 2002
Last Login: 29 Jan 2002 04:46:31 PM

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