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Sister Richelle Savard (Larson) Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Donald McArthur (1989 - 1992) | Victor L. Walch (1992 - 1995) | Served: 1991 - 1992 | Areas Served: Bennion - West Jordon Zone
U of U Marrieds - S.L. Zone
Granger - Pioneer Zone
Holladay- Granite Zone
Riverton - Jordon Temple Zone | Companions: Heidi Ashton (Carlson) | Laura I. Dahl (Frogley) | Michelle Lynn Kitchens (Davis) | Your Occupation: Stay At Home Mom but Legal Assistant by training | Spouse: Carl Savard | Comments: I am married to a wonderful man named Carl Savard and have a wonderful son named Cody. I have held several callings in the church, such as: Stake Relief Society Councellor, early-morning Seminary Teacher, gospel doctrine teacher, Young Women's President as well as various primary callings. I have a strong testimony of the gospel and am thankful that it is still the central part of my life. |
Created: 02 Mar 2002 Modified: 12 Mar 2011 |
Last Login: 12 Mar 2011 08:42:53 AM |
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