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 | Elder Rodrigo E. Miranda Contact Info Hidden - Login
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| | | Served: 1996 - 1998 | Language(s) spoken:English & Spanish | Areas Served: West Valley, Wendover, Midvale, West Jordan, Rosepark,Park City,Sugarhouse,Sandy, West Valley, Rosepark | Companions: David Jonathan Jacobs | Bruce Johnson | Michael R. Jolley | Your Occupation: US ARMY | Spouse: Rebekkah | Comments: I this finds all of you well. Currently, I write to you from Kabul, Afghanistan, on a deployment with the Army. This is definatley an interesting place, and I am enjoying my time here.
My wife Rebakkah is almost finished with nursing school, just 2 semesters to go! We are bot excited, and are looking forward to life after school. Brantley is keeping busy with school, football, and guitar lessons. Im glad he's staying busy, as this helps the time go by faster until I get home.
Well, aside from that, everything is going good. My plans on becoming a helicopter pilot in the Army are well on track, and I should start school shortly after my deployment is done.
Feel free to drop me a line! Hope all of you are doing well. |
Created: 10 Oct 2002 Modified: 02 Nov 2007 |
Last Login: 05 Nov 2007 12:00:48 PM |
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