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 | Sister Mindy C Williamson (Signs) Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Robert C. Witt (1995 - 1997) | Served: 1995 - 1996 | Companions: Mette Petersson (Aanensen) | Your Occupation: momma | Spouse: ben williamson | Comments: Well, it has sure been awhile since my mission and alot has happened. I married Ben, the guy of my dreams, I was writing to him while on my mission. We had two children home grown and then felt strongly we should adopt ,and we adopted two more. So our Kids are -Hannah 9, Josh 6, Avery 5, and Zach 2. I'm sure that's all the babies that the Lord has in store for us.
We lived in the warm and sunny Southern California for 9 yrs of our marriage then we moved to the green and beautiful Oregon. We absolutly love it here.
I have the blessing of staying home with the kids and Ben works as a Manager for FEDEX.
I often think of my time as a missionary. That was really the second best choice I have ever made ( the first being marrying my love). What I remember more then anything are the feelings I felt, the people I met, the spirit that was there always and the missionaries I served with. |
Created: 21 Jan 2009 Modified: 21 Jan 2009 |
Last Login: 23 Mar 2010 10:01:16 AM |
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