Sister Cami Luann Case (Cable) Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Robert C. Witt (1995 - 1997) | Lowell Snow (1997 - 1999) |
Served: 1997 - 1999 |
Areas Served: Temple Square
Mississippi Jackson |
Companions: Amber Johnson (Gibbs) | Trish Quiroz (Breedlove) | Rochelle (Shelley) Throckmorton (Richardson) |
Your Occupation: Teacher / Spouse / Mom |
Spouse: Jared Case |
Comments: Hi everyone. I have been married now for 7 years, have a four year old (almost 5) boy, Johnathan. We are expecting a little girl this March. I have been teaching fifth grade for three years now.
One talent that I am perfecting is organ. I was really blessed to have a wonderful mentor teacher teach me organ lessons for a year. I moved into my new ward the week the other organist moved out. My husband told the bishopbric that I played. I am grateful that he did.
I really miss Temple Square. There is a bit of a whole in my heart not being able to walk on Temple grounds everyday. I am so grateful to have worked with wonderful Elders and Sisters. Look me up when you make it to Southern California. |
Created: 13 Jul 2002 Modified: 25 Jan 2005 |
Last Login: 25 Jan 2005 06:42:07 PM |