Stories: Eyes wide open on day one.
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On my first day I arrived in Roanoke, I never imagined how many special things would transpire as the next two years were about to unfold. On day one we went tracking for the first time with the assistants and later huddled in the main living room. Our mission president told us he was going to go and ask the Lord where each of us were going to be serving. When he came back he gave us a map of the mission and said sometimes the Lord will tell a missionary where he is going, so I am going to ask you. I listened as he went around the room asking each of us if we knew where we are going. No one was responding, when all of a sudden I felt an impression come over me and the word "Norfolk" came into my mind. I thought someone had whispred into my ear but I knew no one did. I then looked at my map and searched. I then saw a city on the coast called Norfolk and thought it interesting. I was the last one the President came to and asked me if the Lord had revealed to me where he was sending me. I looked at him and did not want to sound crazy or make the wrong choice so I told him I did not know. He then told me of all the missionaries in my group he had the greatest challenge assigning me. I sort of thought that interesting but then he said. But the Lord finally revealed to me where he wants to send you. Your going to Norfolk. I just sat there in total amazement pondering what just happened. The following day as we departed for our areas I boarded a bus heading to Norfolk where I was to first serve. We were given a Book of Mormon to hand out before we arrived at our new area we were to serve. As I began the journey to Norfolk I was seated next to a young man sitting next to me on the bus. Being a bit afraid to approach him I prayed The Lord would open a door for me to place a Book of Mormon. As I was sitting I saw the young man suddenly twitch a few times from the corner of my eye. He twitched as if he was shocked by something it seemed. He looked at me with surprise in his eyes and I said "Hi". He just looked at me and said " I know your name!" I said really? He said your name is Al Cortez!" I looked at him a bit surprised because I did not have my first name anywhere showing on me. He then said " And your from Pasadena, California!" it was at that moment I was just as surprised as he was. I asked him how he knew what he told me. He said " I don't know it just came into my head as I was sitting here. Why are you here?" I then began to tell him who I was and why I was here and where I was heading. We talked about the gospel and had a wonderful and meaningful conversation. Then all of a sudden it seemed we arrived just outside Norfolk and he was getting off at that location. To our surprise we had talked for hours but somehow seemed to be minutes as if time was just a skip. I took his name and address and he happily accepted the Book of Mormon and looked forward to reading it and the bus proceeded to my destination. I then knew beyond a shadow of doubt that we missionaries were on a mission of incredible importance and that if we were to magnify our calling and work with faith in the Lord there would be people the Lord had prepared for us to find and little did I realize he wasted no time for those who are prepared. I had other incredible experiences as the time went on and may have had a hard time believing in them if I had not experienced them myself. I will cherish those memories above all that has ever happened in my life for the rest of my life. |
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