Posted by Mike Adams ( on November 14, 2002 at 02:26:52:
: I was baptised in 1978 in Richmond,VA by Elder Gary
: Smith. He and Elder Vinson tracted me out in
: Midlothian and taught
: me the gospel. Vinson was transferred before my
: baptism and was replaced by a crazy Hawaiian Elder,
: Brian Fujikawa, who confirmed me. It hasn't always
: been easy, but I know I made the right decision by
: listening to them and accepting their challenge to
: get baptised.
: Smith was from Washington state, Vinson from Arizona,
: and Fuji just sort of fell off the face of the earth as
: near as I can determine. If anyone has any info
: on any of these Elders please pass it along. I'd love
: to drop them a line.