Re: Re: looking for vanDyke somewhere in Utah

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Posted by morgan Macd. ( on December 27, 2002 at 20:39:35:

In Reply to: Re: looking for vanDyke somewhere in Utah posted by V D on October 18, 2002 at 16:38:55:

: Whats up MacDiesel. Well dance it up when ya get back to U.T Have fun and easy on the Texas ladies.
Hey there VD the big city of slc wwwwwaaaaazzzzzzuuuuppppp? I'm back in the Chris Ledoux saddle here in the hills of woodland hills, utah, that's right Im a Utard again! I'm attending uvsc. My major is psychology, and I'm ready to take on the girls at slc and have a party wid the vd once again! give me the hook-me-up line to call you, and we'll hook it up for the favorite chix'o much experience! Hook me up with that one Julie Chick we saw in the Mall that one time, she had a seriously awesome countenance of 10 million angelic sounding celestial bodies- Macdiesel- 801-423-2243

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