Posted by Jennifer Wilkinson ( on April 25, 2003 at 21:42:04:
In Reply to: Remember the Ammon Project? posted by Pita Tu'akoi on April 08, 2003 at 19:26:18:
I would love to assist in any way that I can!
Jennifer :)
: Hey fellas, I am in Tonga. How blessed am I huh? To be in the 80-95 degrees every-day weather and 75-85 at night! Only problem is there are mosquitoes like there is no tomorrow here. Anyway, I am writing cuz I need your imput and help. Here in Tonga are mostly private secondary schools sponsored by different churches, which we have some LDS sponsored schools here. However, there are no Tertiary Schools here sponsored by the LDS school. With the same idea as that which Pres. Webb had about that school up in VA, a member with some funds and I have put our heads together. This year this tertiary school Vocational and Technical Institute of Tonga opened up and we have about 300 students currently enrolled. The member, Etuate Lavulavu is the Institute Director and I am administrating the institutes operation. We are struggling because we are few in number with limited resources but have high expectations and goals for a brighter future of the saints here in Tonga. This school offers acadamic and practical training for all interested in a church atmosphere and following church standards. Any suggestions and comments will be so much welcomed by my staff and I, and please include our efforts in your prayers. I look forward to hearing from you. Love y'all!