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Sister Lisa Ann Dunham Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Laval J. Call (2001 - 2004) | Served: 2001 - 2001 | Areas Served: Lynnwood | Companions: Veronica Helene Guyader | Your Occupation: Student | Comments: I am the infamous Hermana Dunham, the one that rumors go around about. Having only served in the mission for eleven days, my only claim to fame is that I was the first missionary released from the Everett mission. Now, I am living back in the mission, since I am native to the Washington area, going to school. But I know that the time that I was in the mission was meant to be. In that time I felt my spirt grow, and I was able to be touched by some special people and touch others as well. I know the work is true, and I know of God's love for each of us. I thank Him for the opportunity to have served in the best mission in the world. |
Created: 03 Feb 2003 Modified: 03 Feb 2003 |
Last Login: 03 Feb 2003 10:33:33 PM |
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