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LuAnn SchroederAddress not available
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Comments: I am a mom of a current missionary in the Kennewick Washington Mission. Our son has 3 months left on his mission. He is the youngest of 4 kids with the 3 older siblings all being girls. It has been a pleasure to have our son serve in this mission and as much as I am looking forward to him coming home, I am going to be sad to see him leave such a great experience for him and our family. Currently my calling is Primary President, a calling I love completely. It is an honor to serve the children of our ward, they are amazing and I have learned so much from them. There is always so much growning in the gospel no matter how long you have been a member...our testimonies grow remarkably with everything we do and are involved with....I have such a love for our Savior and what he has done for me and my family....this has been a great life changing experience having our son serve.... |
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