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Zachary King Sheffield126 Kentland Ridge Drive
Kernersville, NC 27284
Current Address Washington, DC
Contact: Janeane Sheffield - Send Email
MTC Entry Date: 2008-09-10 |
Return Date: 2011-09-10 |
Areas Served: Beltway, Washington 3rd West |
Comments: My "Father" -Trainer was Elder Bond. He is the BEST! I am glad I had such a good, hard working trainer. Next was Elder Kelley for a short time then Elder Medina. I was in Beltway area. Then I was transferred to 3rd West in the City- on BIKES YIKES!! I love the city. My comp was Elder McIntire. He was recently transferred and now I am with Elder Byington. He is a hard worker too. We are UNSTOPABLE!! We just keep finding people to teach. It iw really sweet being with Elder Byington.
Last week I baptized the Carters - Xaviera (16), Acquirra (14) and Christian (13). They are great kids and their mom is going back to church after 13 years of being inactive. ALSO, Essie and James Thompson from Beltway were finally baptized. I got to go and talk at their baptism. I didn't do much talking but mostly crying. I was just so happy they were baptized. It was a very spiritual day. We have more getting ready for baptism. I love being a missionary and working hard. |
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