Sister Robin Goodman3436 Forest Lake Drive Medina, OHIO 44256
Current Address 3436 Forest Lake Drive Medina, OHIO 44256
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Presidents: John Arthur Harris (1975 - 1978) |
Served: 1975 - 1977 |
Areas Served: Ciudad Evita - Hermanas Dommer, Carbajal, Rojas Junin - Hermanas Rodriguez, Gonzalez Flory Floresta - Hermana Miranda LTM - Barnes, Darley |
Companions: Barbara Crawford |
Your Occupation: Homemaker |
Spouse: Ken Erickson |
Comments: My mission was a wonderful experience that prepared me for life and my service in helping to build the kingdom. Thank you all for making it such a great experience! |
Created: 09 Sep 2001 Modified: 05 Dec 2005 |
Last Login: 10 Mar 2006 04:40:44 PM |