Comentarios: Saturday, March 3, 1990
LDS Church News
Miguel Hidalgo N., 41, Chihuahua Ward, Chihuahua Mexico Stake; stake president, former mission president's counselor, stake president's counselor, high councilor, stake mission president, and bishop; served mission in Mexico, 1967-69; personnel director for holding firm; earned business administration degree from university in Mexico and master's degree from BYU; born in Tierra Blanca, Mexico, a son of Julio and Blanca Rosa Navarro Hidalgo; married Olga Colin G.; four children. She is Young Women teacher, former stake Relief Society president's counselor, ward Primary president's counselor, Relief Society president's counselor, Primary teacher, Relief Society teacher, and Sunday School teacher; born in Acapulco, Mexico, a daughter of Carlos and Maria de la Cruz Garibo Colin. |