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 | Elder Thomas A. Scheese Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Kent Watson (1989 - 1992) | Timothy P Stratford (1992 - 1995) | Served: 1990 - 1992 | Areas Served: Chong Hsin, Feng Shan, Tainan, Feng Yuan, KaoHsiung, Chiayi, Pingtung | Companions: Jared Daniel Adams | Travis Lee | Steven John Potts | Thomas Waddoups | Your Occupation: Teacher | Spouse: Lin Hui Rong | Comments: After returning home I attended Ricks College (now BYU-Idaho) and started working for a computer company. In Feb of 1997 I returned to Taiwan and was working in an electronics company. After a while I found that teaching english has much better pay then sales so I have been teaching English here for 5 years.
On October 11, 1997 I married Sister Lin Hui Rong in the Taipei, Taiwan temple. Our 1st son was born on sept. 9, 2000 and last year we had a daughter born on July 25, 2002.
On our 6th wedding aniversery I went to the KaoHsiung mission home with Chen Lan-Jy and Chen De-Li. We saw President and sister Watson who are there until the new mission president arrives. Can all of you remember Sister watsons great cooking! When we were there we had a chance to enjoy here cooking again! Does it make you jeleous? |
Created: 16 Jun 2003 Modified: 15 Oct 2003 |
Last Login: 15 Oct 2003 05:28:17 AM |
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