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Elder James Scott (WildMan) Ward Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Kent Watson (1989 - 1992) | Timothy P Stratford (1992 - 1995) | Served: 1991 - 1993 | Areas Served: Gau Shuing, Do Lio, Tai Nan, Gau Shuing, Ping Tung | Companions: Timothy Davis | Brett Evans | Shane Falslev | David Hathaway | Erik Lustig | Robert Mikael Smith | Chuck Winder | Your Occupation: Student. | Spouse: Wendy L. Ward | Comments: i am still pretty much a stud. Hapilly married to a hot chick. yeah, it still suprises me too. I have lived in Pocatello Idaho for four years and I can't wait untill I Don't anymore. At the end of the summer I plan to move back to Meridian. I have two boys and two girls they are way good. iIam hooked up. SWEEET! Fetch! And all that. I feal bad sometime that I have lost touch with all you fetchers and then. I find this site. Everyone is here My stud comps I listed the ones whos name I can remember above, Shums, Caress, Webber , Moss, Groethe (you fetcher) and I can't possibly name everybody but if you remember me get in touch. I think about you guys all the time . I still believe that our lord and savior Jesus Christ lives and that through his great sacrifice I can be with my family forever. I love the gospel and I love teaching it to my kids. I love you Potlickers, Elder J. Scott Ward(Wan Shou Chyan) |
Created: 30 Apr 2004 Modified: 30 Apr 2004 |
Last Login: 01 Sep 2004 11:30:39 PM |
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